Authors: Ji Hea Park Soon C Kweon Sang Woo Kim
Publish Date: 2012/01/26
Volume: 14, Issue: 2, Pages: 729-
Structural and magnetic properties of silicon/aluminumadded and free FeCoNi magnetic alloy nanofibers with nanogranular phases prepared by electrospinning and subsequent annealing of the PVPblended ternary metal precursors in hydrogen atmosphere were investigated The FeCoNi magnetic alloy nanofibers with evenly distributed nanocrystalline phases were formed which are identified as γFe1−x Ni x binary phase with facecentered cubic structure and αCoFe phase with bodycentered cubic structure At elevated temperature the α → γ structural martensitic transformation in the FeCoNi ternary alloys occurred due to the inhomogeneities in composition of the matrix during annealing of the alloy with metastable αphase In the Si/Aladded FeCoNi nanofibers more than two phases with complicatedboundaries of the grains in and/or outside the nanofibers were formed as crystalline phases and amorphous phase The amorphous phase consisted of Si and/or Al acted as an inhibitor diminishing α → γ transformation as well as an interparticle insulation layer At low annealing temperature of 450 °C the Si/Aladded nanofiber mainly consisted of metastable αphase with a lowcrystallinity surface structure and very small diameter of 13 nm was formed and showed an unexpectedly high coercivity which attributed to the surface effects and/or high surface/volume ratio