Authors: Jagesh K Tiwari Poonam D Sarkar SK Pandey Jai Gopal S Raj Kumar
Publish Date: 2010/05/22
Volume: 103, Issue: 2, Pages: 175-187
Interspecific potato somatic hybrids between Solanum tuberosum L dihaploid C13 and 1 endosperm balance number nontuberous wild species S etuberosum Lindl were produced by protoplasts electrofusion The objective was to transfer virus resistance from this wild species into the cultivated potatoes Postfusion products were cultured in VKM medium followed by regeneration of calli in MS13 K medium at 20°C under a 16h photoperiod and regenerants were multiplied on MS medium Twentyone somatic hybrids were confirmed by RAPD SSR and cytoplasm chloroplast/mitochondria type analysis possessing speciesspecific diagnostic bands of corresponding parents Tetraploid nature of these somatic hybrids was determined through flow cytometry analysis Somatic hybrids showed intermediate phenotypes plant leaves and floral morphology to their parents in glasshouse grown plants All the somatic hybrids were malefertile ELISA assay of somatic hybrids after artificial inoculation of Potato virus Y PVY infection reveals high PVY resistance