Authors: Peeyush Kumar Rakhi Chaturvedi Durai Sundar V S Bisaria
Publish Date: 2015/12/10
Volume: 125, Issue: 1, Pages: 23-29
The stimulation of secondary metabolite synthesis by the endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica was investigated for the production of triterpenoids—ursolic acid UA oleanolic acid OA and betulinic acid BA—in the suspension cultures of Lantana camara Growth and product formation profiles of the cell suspension cultures of L camara were established for optimum elicitation strategy The elicitation potential of P indica was compared with typical elicitors like methyl jasmonate MJ chitin and chitosan MJ at 625 µM and 25 v/v filtersterilized culture filtrate of P indica enhanced the triterpenoids production to similar level Filtersterilized culture filtrate of P indica at 25 v/v increased the concentration of UA by 35fold 38693 µg/g DW OA by 56fold 14257 µg/g DW and BA by 78fold 11702 µg/g DW in the cell cultures of L camara