Authors: M S Burlakovskiy N V Saveleva V V Yemelyanov M V Padkina L A Lutova
Publish Date: 2015/06/16
Volume: 122, Issue: 3, Pages: 685-697
The inbreed line of Nicotiana tabacum L plants harboring a heterologous gene of bovine interferongamma sIFNG under the control of constitutive 35S CaMV promoter was created by Agrobacteriummediated genetic transformation The transformation of leaf discs yielded six independent transgenic plants T0 generation All six transformants demonstrated presence of sIFNG insertion and had a normal phenotype Selfpollination of T0 plants provided six transgenic families All families but one inherited sIFNG insertion in T1 progeny and were used for subsequent selection Offsprings of selfing were tested for the presence and expression of sIFNG gene and the synthesis of bovine interferongamma protein We identified homozygous sIFNG plant of Inter3112 family in T1 generation which was laid the founder of the inbreed line of transgenic sIFNG tobacco The line demonstrated stable inheritance and expression of the transgene insertion and presence of a heterologous interferongamma protein in the plant tissue up to the fourth generation of transgenic plants tested Antiviral and immunomodulatory activities of plantproduced interferongamma upon bovine cell cultures and laboratory animals mice were observed Created tobacco plants may be used as the bioreactors for production of bovine interferongamma for veterinaryAuthors would like to thank Dr LT Khodjaova for the help with plasmid construction and plant transformation and Dr AE Zobnina nee Gradoboeva for assistance with testing of recombinant IFNγ in cell culture The research was supported by research resource center “Molecular and cell technologies” of St Petersburg State University Financial support from Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation state contract 02740110768 and St Petersburg State University projects 13910562012 and 1382292014 are greatly appreciated