Authors: A M Castillo N H Nielsen A Jensen M P Vallés
Publish Date: 2014/02/19
Volume: 117, Issue: 3, Pages: 411-418
Doubled haploid DH production is an efficient tool in barley breeding but efficiency of DH methods is not consistent Hence the aim of this study was to study the effect of nbutanol application on DH barley plant production efficiency Five elite cultivars of barley and thirteen breeding crosses with different microspore embryogenesis capacities were selected for nbutanol application in anther and isolated microspore cultures Application of 01 nbutanol after a mannitol stress treatment in anther culture significantly increased the number of embryos up to almost twice and green plants from 17 to 3 times in three lowresponding cultivars Albacete Astoria and Majestic No significant differences on microspore embryogenesis efficiency were observed in medium and high responding cultivars The application of nbutanol treatment to isolated microspores from cold treated spikes in thirteen spring breeding crosses with a low or very low androgenetic response did not have a significant effect on the overall number of green plants Nevertheless an increase in the number of green plants was observed when 02 nbutanol was applied in four out of seven lowresponding crosses Therefore application of nbutanol could be routinely applied to anther cultures using mannitol treatment in lowresponding material However further studies are needed to determine optimal conditions in protocols using cold treatment and isolated microspore culturesN H Nielsen was a recipient of a predoctoral fellowship from the Danish Ministry of Science Innovation and Higher Education Erstatningsfonden for Markfrø and Nordic Seed A/S This work was supported by Project AGL201017509 from the “Plan Nacional de Recursos y Tecnologías Agroalimentarias” of Spain and by the Nordic Seed Company S/A DLA Group