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Springer Netherlands

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Inhibitory effects of Arabidopsis Emphasis Type="

Authors: Zhen Du Dan Xu Lan Li Yao Shi Michael Schläppi ZiQin Xu
Publish Date: 2012/04/20
Volume: 110, Issue: 3, Pages: 435-443
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The aim of this study is to understand the function of EARLI1 in plants subjected to different biotic stresses using EARLI1 overexpressing OX and TDNA knockout KO transgenic Arabidopsis lines Higher levels of expression of EARLI1 in OX lines were confirmed by RTPCR and Northern blot analysis The fulllength EARLI1 mRNA could not be detected by RTPCR in KO lines while only a shorter transcript could be found by RNA gel blotting In wildtype Col0 plants Wt EARLI1 could be induced by Botrytis cinerea and H2O2 indicating this gene might be involved in plant defense system against pathogens Trypan blue staining of the infected leaves showed that overexpression of EARLI1 could inhibit the growth of B cinerea and disruption of EARLI1 in KO lines led to vigorous propagation of the necrotrophic fungus In addition KO plants were attacked earlier and more frequently than the wildtype Col0 plants by fungus gnat Bradysia difformis In vivo expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae demonstrated that the secreted form of EARLI1 could suppress the cell viability by increasing the permeability of the plasma membrane As a protein localized to cell wall EARLI1 might play as a component of a receptor and function in resistant response of plants to biotic stresses by sensing environment changes and delivering the signals to intracellular regulation networkThis work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China 30870194 the Research Project of Provincial Key Laboratory of Shaanxi 08JZ70 2010JS090 Research Project of Educational Department of Shaanxi Province 11JK0612 Development Project of Science and Technology Research of Shaanxi Province the Program for Tackling Key Problems 2010K160401 and Graduate Research Project of Northwest University 07YKC24



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