Authors: D T Asilbekova S D Gusakova I P Nazarova Kh S Mukhamedova A A Tyshchenko A I Glushenkova
Publish Date: 1988/07/01
Volume: 24, Issue: 4, Pages: 424-429
The compositions of cottonseed soapstocks from firstgrade and lowgrade cotton seeds have been studied by the methods of CC on polyamide and on silica gel TLC GLC ESR and UV IR and mass spectrometry It has been found that saturated and also oxygenated fatty acids nonpolar acylglycerols glycolipids sterols arylalkanes gossypol pigments and ions of metals of variable valence are concentrated in the acid fat of the soapstock from lowgrade seeds The soapstock contains a very small amount of tocopherols and phospholipids mainly phosphatidylinositols The combined gossypol pigments of the soapstocks include stabilized gossypol radical ions