Authors: S Gangal S Sharma A Rauf
Publish Date: 2009/11/17
Volume: 45, Issue: 5, Pages: 705-
The genus Prosopis belongs to the family Fabaceae subfamily Mimosaceae and comprises 44 species distributed mainly in arid and semiarid tropical and subtropical countries 1 In many desert regions of the world the seeds of Prosopis species have been proposed as a source for agroindustrial development of economic foods for humans and animals 2 3 Furthermore the seeds and pods have been used in traditional medicine for treating a broad range of diseases and illness 4 5 Sugars flavonones fatty acids tannins from the heartwood 1 flavones glycoside patulitrin from flowers 6 and piperidine3ol alkaloid 7 were previously reportedIn continuation of our previous studies on various seed oils and the identification of hydroxy fatty acids 8 a study of seed oils of P cineraria has been carried out for their component fatty acids and to confirm the presence or absence of hydroxy fatty acid in this seed oil