Authors: Daniel F Gunther Harvey K Chiu Thomas E Numrych Gad B Kletter
Publish Date: 2006/01/21
Volume: 165, Issue: 5, Pages: 320-322
We report the case of a 23monthold girl who presented with poor growth and delayed attainment of grossmotor milestones Elevated creatine phosphokinase CPK indicated rhabdomyolysis ultimately attributed to severe acquired autoimmune hypothyroidism Growth data and boneage suggest the onset of hypothyroidism occurred at or before 12 months of age Acquired hypothyroidism is rare before age 3 years and rhabdomyolysis due to hypothyroidism has not previously been reported as a cause of delayed grossmotor development in toddlerhood Despite the early onset of hypothyroidism cognitive function appeared to be unaffected Adequate thyroid hormone replacement quickly normalized the CPK in our patient and gross motor development rapidly improved Although rare rhabdomyolysis secondary to hypothyroidism should be in the differential diagnosis of delayed grossmotor development in infancy and toddlerhood