Authors: Ben W R Balzer SallyAnne Duke Catherine I Hawke Katharine S Steinbeck
Publish Date: 2015/01/09
Volume: 174, Issue: 3, Pages: 289-298
Mood disorders and health risk behaviors increase in adolescence Puberty is considered to contribute to these events However the precise impact of pubertal hormone changes to the emergence of mood disorders and risk behaviors is relatively unclear It is important that inappropriate attribution is not made Our aim was to determine what is known about the effect of endogenous estradiol on human adolescent girls’ mood and behavior The databases searched were MEDLINE Embase PsycINFO Education Resources Information Center ERIC PreMEDLINE Web of Science and Scopus for all dates to October 2014 For inclusion contemporaneous hormone and mood or behavioral assessment was required Data were extracted following a template created by the authors Fourteen studies met our inclusion criteria There was some consistency in findings for mood and estradiol levels with associations between estradiol and depression and emotional tone and risk taking Results were less consistent for studies assessing other mood and behavioral outcomes Most studies were crosssectional in design assay methodologies used in older studies may lack the precision to detect early pubertal hormone levelsConclusion Three longitudinal and several crosssectional studies indicate potential associations between estradiol and certain mood or affective states especially depression and mood variability though there are insufficient data to confirm that the rise in estradiol during puberty is causative We believe that it is important for health professionals to take care when attributing adolescent psychopathology to puberty hormones as the current data supporting these assertions are limited