Authors: Elisabeth Siti Herini Gunadi Agung Triono Asal Wahyuni Erlin Mulyadi Niprida Mardin Rusipah Yati Soenarto Susan E Reef
Publish Date: 2017/01/13
Volume: 176, Issue: 3, Pages: 387-393
Congenital rubella syndrome CRS has serious consequences such as miscarriage stillbirth and severe birth defects in infants resulting from rubella virus infection during pregnancy However rubella vaccine has not yet been implemented in Indonesia This study aimed 1 to estimate the incidence of CRS in Indonesia 2 describe the clinical features of CRS at our referral hospital and 3 pilot a CRS surveillance system to be extended to other hospitals We conducted a 4month prospective surveillance study of infants aged 1 year with suspected CRS in 2013 at an Indonesian hospital Infants with suspected CRS were examined for rubellaspecific IgM antibody or rubella IgG antibody levels Of 47 suspected cases of CRS 11/47 234 9/47 191 and 27/47 575 were diagnosed as laboratoryconfirmed clinically compatible and discarded CRS respectively The most common defects among laboratoryconfirmed CRS cases were hearing impairment 100 congenital cataracts 727 microcephaly 727 and congenital heart defects 455