Authors: Lubica Kovacikova Peter Skrak Martin Zahorec
Publish Date: 2011/03/08
Volume: 170, Issue: 9, Pages: 1201-1203
At her first day of life a neonate presented with severe cyanosis and a mass obstructing the right ventricle outflow tract Prostagladin E1 was necessary to provide pulmonary blood flow The mass was removed using extracorporeal bypass surgery the right ventricle was dilated and the pulmonary valve leaflets were damaged Sternal closure was delayed because of bleeding and poor cardiac performance Histology demonstrated that the mass was a mixed thrombus Investigation revealed homozygous 677TT genotype of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase In conclusion a lifethreatening thrombotic event such as an intracardiac thrombus obstructing the right ventricle outflow tract can occur in a neonatal age Since the event can be a result of a combination of acquired and congenital thrombogenic risk factors an extensive screening including DNAbased mutation analysis should be performed