Authors: Tatiane da Silva Dal Pizzol Lavínia SchülerFaccini Sotero Serrate Mengue Maria Isabel Fischer
Publish Date: 2008/06/21
Volume: 279, Issue: 3, Pages: 293-
The present study is a secondary analysis of Brazilian study of gestational diabetes EBDG a cohort of women attended at healthcare units of the Brazilian national health system SUS located in six Brazilian state capitals between February 1991 and June 1995A structured questionnaire was used to obtain data on the pregnant women their pregnancies and their use of medications Other data and the outcomes congenital abnormalities intrauterine death preterm birth or low birth weight were obtained from the medical records To estimate the odds ratios after adjustment for the potential confounding factors logistic regression modeling was developedDipyrone use was reported by 555 pregnant women 115 Their exposure to this medication did not present any association with the outcomes of congenital abnormalities OR 111 95 CI 058–210 intrauterine death OR 069 95 CI 033–143 preterm birth OR 094 95 CI 073–120 or low birth weight OR 088 95 CI 064–122 in the crude analysis This absence of associations was maintained after performing logistic regression analysis