Authors: Mark E Welch G June Long Jamen W Berk Angela H Getz Glenn P Gerber Lisa E Wallace
Publish Date: 2010/10/02
Volume: 3, Issue: 2, Pages: 209-212
Cyclura carinata a critically endangered Caribbean rock iguana now occupies less than 5 of its historic range Remaining populations are genetically structured but available tools are insufficient to identify taxonomic units Ten polymorphic microsatellites isolated from C carinata and 19 loci developed for congeners are identified All 29 loci were screened for variation in two populations with 20 or more individuals from each of two island populations as well as 24 individuals that are representative of the species rangeSamples were collected by GPG and MEW while supported by the Turks and Caicos National Trust with funds from the United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office Molecular work was conducted in the laboratories of MEW and LEW with funding from the Department of Biological Sciences the College of Arts and Sciences and the Office of Research and Economic Development at Mississippi State University The Office of Research and Economic Development at Mississippi State University also supported this project via a Research Initiation Program grant to MEW The Shackouls Honors College provided summer support to GJL and AHG Additional support was provided by an EPSCoR Undergraduate Research Scholarship to AHG and a Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal grant to GJL