Authors: Agnès Rortais Gérard Arnold Mohamed Alburaki Hélène Legout Lionel Garnery
Publish Date: 2010/11/23
Volume: 3, Issue: 2, Pages: 383-391
The black honeybee Apis mellifera mellifera M lineage which is affected by widespread colony losses colony introgression and population shifts within its natural range of distribution needs proper protection and management planning The DraI COICOII test discriminates between and within honeybee lineages M C A and O With this test a global assessment of the diversity found in the M lineage ie description of haplotype frequencies fragment length and size nucleotide sequences is made with colonies newly sampled in France and Belgium n = 3261 colonies and previously described in the literature n = 3367 A total of 91 M haplotypes were described including 52 new ones The haplotypes M4 and M4’ were the most frequent followed by M17 M7 M6 M19 M8 M17’ and by many rare ones Finally these data were used to infer hypotheses on the putative origin of the M haplotypic diversity and to determine a protocol for the establishment of protected areas of black honeybee colonies This protocol is based on the DraI COICOII test and on casestudies of protected areas of black honeybees from France