Journal Title
Title of Journal: Conservation Genet Resour
Abbravation: Conservation Genetics Resources
Springer Netherlands
Authors: Benjamin J Wainwright Irma S Arlyza Stephen A Karl
Publish Date: 2012/05/11
Volume: 4, Issue: 4, Pages: 861-863
Eighteen polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed for the crownofthorns starfish Acanthaster planci using 454 sequencing of microsatellite enriched genomic libraries The 18 loci were characterized in 25 individuals from the Indonesian archipelago We found a mean of 59 alleles per locus and observed levels of heterozygosity ranged from 0120 to 0958 Three loci significantly deviated from Hardy–Weinberg expectations and no pairs of loci showed significant evidence of linkage disequilibriumWe thank the Indonesian government the Indonesian Institute of Sciences LIPI and RISTEK for collection permits 0085/SIP/FRP/SM/V/2010 and 0133/SIP/FRP/SM/V/2010 under which all collections were made in full accordance with Indonesian laws and regulations A special thank you is reserved for Mr Onny Nurrahman Marwayana and Ms Hagi Yulia Sugeha Funding for this work was provided in part by the TOTAL Foundation University of Hawaii Graduate Student Organization University of Hawaii Arts and Sciences Student Research Award University of Hawaii Edmondson Grant Sigma XI Grants In Aid of Research The Explorers Club The Rufford Small Grants Foundation and the University of Hawaii NSFEPSCoRprogram Investing in Multidisciplinary University Activities EPS0903833 J Gaines PI in support of the core functional genomics facility at the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology This is HIMB contribution 1494 and The School for Ocean and Earth Science and Technology contribution 8664
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