Authors: P J Kotyla J Gozdzik M Lewicki A T Kotulska E J Kucharz
Publish Date: 2005/11/12
Volume: 26, Issue: 6, Pages: 583-584
We read with the great interest the paper of Borba et al 1 concerning lipidprofile abnormalities in patients with limited systemic sclerosis The paper addresses the very important issue of lipidprofile changes that may explain increased prevalence of the macrovascular disease among SSc patients 2 3 The Authors excluded from the study patients with endocrinological abnormalities including thyroidgland disturbances Hypothyroidism is a common finding in patients with SSc It is estimated that about half of SSc patients suffer from overt or latent hypothyroidism 4 5 Thyroidfunction disturbances have a strong influence upon lipid metabolism However in the light of our study scleroderma itself minimized the influence of the thyroid hormones upon majority of the lipid components but not the triglycerides We have undertaken the study to determine serum lipids in patients with SSc in relation to their thyroid function