Authors: Koji Yamanegi Junko Yamane Masaki Hata Hideki Ohyama Naoko Yamada Nahoko KatoKogoe Hiroyuki Futani Keiji Nakasho Haruki Okamura Nobuyuki Terada
Publish Date: 2008/12/09
Volume: 135, Issue: 7, Pages: 879-889
Cell growth secretion of soluble Fas expression of cellsurface Fas and sensitivity to Fasmediated cell death were examined using cell proliferation assay flow cytometry enzymelinked immunosorbent assay and agonistic antiFas antibody respectivelyVPA suppressed the growth of all the four osteosarcoma cell lines and the secretion of soluble Fas from these cells VPA showed no or slight suppressive effect on the expression of cellsurface Fas in the four osteosarcoma cell lines but increased the sensitivity of three of four osteosarcoma cell lines to Fasmediated cell deathThis work was in part supported by a GrantinAid for Young Scientists B 19791388 from the Ministry of Education Culture Sports Science and Technology of Japan GrantinAid for Researchers Hyogo College of Medicine a Hitec Research Center grant and GrantinAid for Promotion of Technical Seeds in Advanced Medicine Hyogo College of Medicine