Authors: Fragachán F Chuki EM Peña E López JM Reyes MJ
Publish Date: 1995/04/01
Volume: 8, Issue: 4_Pt_2, Pages: 150A-150A
Twenty years ago begining funtions the Arterial Hypertension Unit UHA suddespite environment conditions finance institutionals scientifics we has been ables to get over and to put on place and we can to talk with ownership in scientific world Our results around 50000 patients evaluated which 10000 has been share on clinical research in more 100 works reference center in guidelines about hypertension HA management in our country and overseas support in teach programs to pre and posraduates in medical schools to create the first postgradute residence in clinical research for HA in Venezuela and Latinamerica development a diverse team for better evaluation of HA patient and adequate prevention to health subject Members Physicians with training postgraduate and skills in basic sciences Works in develop Endothelium endothelial cells nitric oxide endothelins dismutase superoxide and HA Leucocyte activation