Authors: Voyaki Sofia M Efstratopoulos Aris D Baltas Athanasios
Publish Date: 2004/05/01
Volume: 17, Issue: S1, Pages: 234A-235A
Sofia M Voyaki Aris D Efstratopoulos Athanasios Baltas P554 Pulse pressure as a predictor factor for survival in patients with acute ishaemic stroke American Journal of Hypertension Volume 17 Issue S1 May 2004 Pages 234A–235A https//doiorg/101016/jamjhyper200403628We studied 178 patients 98F/80M hospitalized for at least one week with acute stroke in our DeptsAll patients underwent a brain CTscan at entry or within 48 hours after stroke Only patients with neurological deficit and ischaemic infarct were included Neurological examination was done at entry and at days 3 and 7 during hospitalization by measuring the known scales All events fatal and non fatal which occurred within the hospitalization period for acute ishaemic stroke were recorded At entry or within 12–48 hours a 24hABPM was performed with Space Lab 90207 in the intact arm and blood samples were taken for measuring of acute phase proteins as follows fibrinogen Creactive protein TNFa and Interleukin1 The statistical analysis was done with Statistica 60 release Values are given as means ±SDThe mean age was 769±71 ranged 6394 years old The mean value for 24hABPM was 545±255/857±89 for SBP and DBP respectively The neurological scales were as follows GCS 110±47 Mathew30±181 Barthel Index 455±297 and the Laboratory examination showed fibrinogen2778±509mg/dl Creactive protein 155±187 TNFa 45±21 and IL147±25 Among patients with acute stroke 22 died 123 86 483 improved their neurological status and 70 392 remained stable In comparison to patients who improved those who died were older in age 809±84 vs 741±94 P=0005 and had higher Pulse Pressure 819±256 vs 669±288 P=000 and had lower neurological scales GCS 58±45 vs 119±41 P=00001 Mathew 13±18 vs 33±16 P=00000 Fritz 137±230 vs 565±251 P=00000 and Barthel Index 137±122 vs 499±268 P=00000 In a univariate analysis IL1 was significantly and positively correlated with pulse pressure r=024 P=0003 but not with other acute phase proteins In a multiple regression analysis after correction for age sex diabetes mellitus previous cardiovascular disease hyperlipidemia BP and all acute phase proteins we found that pulse pressure was a strong predictor of poor outcome β=037 P=001