Authors: SánchezAmat Meritxell Valero Suau Alejandra BenítezCamps Mència Dalfó Baqué Antoni Antònia M Coll Vila PérezZamora Susana
Publish Date: 2004/05/01
Volume: 17, Issue: S1, Pages: 204A-205A
Meritxell SánchezAmat Alejandra Valero Suau Mència BenítezCamps Antoni Dalfó Baqué M Antònia Vila Coll Susana PérezZamora P470 Cardiovascular risk factors in the elderly accuracy of attention in primary care American Journal of Hypertension Volume 17 Issue S1 May 2004 Pages 204A–205A https//doiorg/101016/jamjhyper200403544Descriptive crosssectional study Primary care External auditing of 990 medical histories of hypertensive patients receiving medical attention in Catalonia The following variables were analyzed age sex screening and diagnosis of cardiovascular risk factors diabetes dyslipemia left ventricular hypertrophy LVH smoking and blood pressure BP throughout the year 2001 An agestratified analysis was carried out580 out of 990 586 patients were aged 65 years and over 638 were women 364 of individuals aged 65 years and over had isolated systolic hypertension Mean diastolic and systolic BP in the 65andover group 1459 mmHg and 821 mmHg differed significantly p005 from the under65year group 1428 mmHg and 876 mmHg Regarding accuracy of HBP control SBP140 mmHg and DBP90 mmHg there was no statistically significant difference between people under and over 65 years 319 vs 315 p=0395 Difference CI 95 −64 49 Compared with results obtained in 1996 accuracy of HBP control in the eldest was better in 2001319 vs 264 p005 CI 95 −104 –06 as it was cardiovascular risk factors screening 535 vs 459 p=0019 CI 95 12 14Although isolated systolic HBP prevalence is higher in the older group the accuracy of HBP control was not different from that for the younger population An improvement in accuracy of HBP control and cardiovascular risk factors screening is observed in relation to 5 years ago See Table 1