Authors: Elliott William Hewkin Ann Champion Annette Dehoff Rhonda Cooper Pepine Carl
Publish Date: 2005/05/01
Volume: 18, Issue: S4, Pages: 58A-58A
William Elliott Ann Hewkin Annette Champion Rhonda Cooper Dehoff Carl Pepine P140 Eprescription database analysis supports use of combination therapy in hypertensive patients with CAD in invest American Journal of Hypertension Volume 18 Issue S4 May 2005 Page 58A https//doiorg/101016/jamjhyper200503158The INternational VErapamil SR/trandolapril STudy INVEST randomized 22576 CAD hypertension patients to a verapamil SR Ve or atenolol At strategy Flexible dose titration and addition of trandolapril T and/or HCTZ targeted BP control and organ protection There was no difference by strategy for primary outcome PO first occurrence of death nonfatal MI or nonfatal stroke An exploratory method was developed to analyze effect of drugdose combinations on the POPrescription data were collected electronically for over 61835 patient years Average daily doses of drugs received by patient until PO or censoring were fit as timedependent variables in a Cox proportional hazards model Strategy two interaction terms and two ratios measuring the proportion of time the first two drugs in the strategy were coprescribed were also includedExploratory analysis of INVEST prescription database estimates relative risk of PO for specific drug dose combinations For complex patients with hypertension and CAD combination therapy with Ve/T or At/HCTZ reduces the risk of adverse CV events compared with Ve or At monotherapy