Authors: Altun Bulent Arici Mustafa Nergizoglu Gokhan Derici Ulver Karatan Oktay Turgan Cetin Sindel Sukru Erbay Bulent Hasanoglu Enver Caglar Sali
Publish Date: 2005/05/01
Volume: 18, Issue: S4, Pages: 99A-99A
Bulent Altun Mustafa Arici Gokhan Nergizoglu Ulver Derici Oktay Karatan Cetin Turgan Sukru Sindel Bulent Erbay Enver Hasanoglu Sali Caglar P258 Prevalence awareness treatment and control of hypertension in Turkey patent American Journal of Hypertension Volume 18 Issue S4 May 2005 Page 99A https//doiorg/101016/jamjhyper200503276Distribution of blood pressure and prevalence awareness treatment and control of hypertension in Turkey PatenT were studied in a random nationally representative sample of 4910 adults ≥18 years Data collection and blood pressure measurements were conducted by specifically trained physicians in the households of the participants Blood pressure was determined in accordance with British Hypertension Society recommendations Hypertension was defined as mean systolic blood pressure ≥140 mm Hg or mean diastolic blood pressure was ≥90 mm Hg or previous diagnosis and/or current use of antihypertensive drugsOverall prevalence of hypertension in Turkey was 318 and it was higher in women than men 361 vs 275 p0001 Among hypertensives only 402 were aware of their condition and 318 were treated pharmacologically In the hypertensive group old or new diagnosis treated or not treated blood pressure distribution showed that only 81 had controlled BP 140/90 mmHg 517 had stage 1 and 402 had stage 2 hypertension The prevalence of prehypertension among normotensives was 637 and in the whole group 322 had never had their blood pressure measured