Authors: Vilaplana Miguel Dalfó Antoni Zabaleta Edurne Tovillas Francisco J Aragonès Rosa BenítezCamps Mencia
Publish Date: 2005/05/01
Volume: 18, Issue: S4, Pages: 125A-125A
Miguel Vilaplana Antoni Dalfó Edurne Zabaleta Francisco J Tovillas Rosa Aragonès Mencia BenítezCamps P329 Cardiovascular morbidmortality in hypertensive patients in relation to the presence of left ventricular hypertrophy 11 years followedup cohort American Journal of Hypertension Volume 18 Issue S4 May 2005 Page 125A https//doiorg/101016/jamjhyper200503347The variables collected were Presence of cardiovascular risk factors age sex blood pressure total and cHDL Colesterol body mass index BMI time months from Hypertension diagnosis electrocardiography left ventricular hypertrophy LVH criteria left ventricular hypertrophy pattern Cardiovasculars events recorded were coronary heart disease heart failure arrhythmia peripheral vascular disease stroke It has been used Chisquare and t Student or U Mann Whitney test638 CI 95 580–696 had LVH 633 of eccentric geometric pattern and the rest the concentric one Mean age was 66 years among patients with LVH CI 95 652–678 716 CI95 648784 were women Systolic Blood Pressure SBP mean was 161mmHg CI 95 15861640 136 CI 9584–188 was smoker and 95 CI 9555–149 hads been smoker 378 hypertensive with LVH had at least one cardiovascular event The differents cardiovascular frequency events were coronary heart disease 240 arrhythmias 200 stroke 190 heart failure 190 peripheral vascular disease 120 and other cardiovascular events 60