Authors: R de Swiniarski F T Bakers A Scott C Glashausser K W Jones
Publish Date: 2007/12/13
Volume: 106, Issue: 8, Pages: 1119-1132
Differential crosssections and analyzing powers have been measured for a number of states in the18Op p’18O reaction at 800 MeV The groundstate rotational band 0+ 00 MeV 2+ 198 MeV and 4+ 711 MeV has heen analyzed via a coupledchannels calculation based on the Dirac equation the results are compared with previous results based on the Schrödinger equation Data for the 0+ 2+ 4+ triplet around 37 MeV are generally poorly fitted with vibrational model calculations Angularmomentum transfers are determined for a number of higher states up to 125 MeV