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Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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π—p interactions at 650 MeV

Authors: S Feminò S Jannelli F Mezzanares
Publish Date: 2016/01/12
Volume: 52, Issue: 3, Pages: 892-902
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We have investigated the interactions of 650±15 MeV π— in a hydrogen bubble chamber About 104 pictures were examined and 4561 events 1946 elastic 1204 neutrals 1315 singlepion production 96 multipion production were found along a 3375·105 cm total track length The values of the deduced crosssections are σπp elastic = = 1782 ± 070 mb σneutrals = 1135 ± 054 mb σππ0p = 479 ± 026mb σππ+n = 705 ± 034mb σππ+π0n = 071 ± 008mb σππ0π0p = 005 ± 002mb σtotal = 4182 ± 015 mb For the elastic events the differential crosssection was fitted by a fifthorder polynomial of cos ϑ and also expanded in a sum of Legendre polynomials we deduce that the higher azimuthal states up toF5/2 are present For the singlepion production the effective mass distributions were compared with the OlssonYodh isobar model predictions The agreement with the model is not very satisfactory for the enhancements in the mass effective spectra of the π+π ππ0 dipion channels nor for the cms angular distributionsМы исследовали взаимодействия πс энергией 650±15 МэВ в водородной пузырьковой камере Было изучено 104 снимков и было обнаружено 4561 событий 1946 упругих 1204 нейтральных 1315 с рождением одного пиона 96 с множественным рождением пионов вдоль трека с полной длиной 3375·105 см Получены величины приведенных поперечных сечений σπp упругие = = 1782 ± 070 мб σхейграднхные = 1135 ± 054 мб πp мб σππ0p = 479 ± 026 мб σππ+n = 705 ± 034 мб σππ+π0n = 071 ± 008 мб σππ0π0p = 005 ± 002 мб σпопное=4182±015 мб Для упругих процессов дифференциальное поперечное сечение описывается полиномом пятой степени от cos θ и также разлагается в сумму полиномов Лежандра мы выводим что присутствуют высшие азимутальные состояния вплоть лоF5/2 Эффективные распределения масс для рождения одного пиого пиона сравнивались с предсказаниями изобарной модели ОлсонаЙодха Согласие с моделью является неудовлетворительным и для увеличений в эффективных спектрах масс π+π ππ0 двухпионных каналов и для угловых распределений в сцмSi discutono i risultati sulle interazioni πp a 650±15 MeV in camera a bolle ad idrogeno Vengono presi in considerazione 4561 eventi 1946 elastici 1204 neutri 1315 con produzione di un solo pione 96 con produzione multipla trovati in ∼104 foto per un cammino totale di 3375·105 cm Si danno le sezioni d’urto σπp elastici = = 1782 ± 070 mb σneutri = 1135 ± 054 mb σππ0p = 479 ± 026mb σππ+n = 705 ± 034mb e quelle per produzione multipla σππ+π0n = 071 ± 008mb σππ0π0p = 005 ± 002mb σππ+πp = 005 ± 002mb La sezione d’urto totale è σ totale = 4182 ± 015 mb La sezione d’urto differenziale per gli eventi elastici è sviluppata in un polinomio di quinto grado in cos ϑ e sviluppata in somma di polinomi di Legendre si deduce che sono presenti anche gli stati di quanto azimutale più elevato fino aF5/2 Per la produzione singola si confrontano con il modello di OlssonYodh le distribuzioni delle masse effettive Il modello non rende adeguatamente conto né dei picchi riscontrati nella distribuzione delle masse effettive dei canali dipionici π+π e ππ0 né delle distribuzioni angolari



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  33. Reduction of complex electromagnetic fields to the irreducible representations of the inhomogeneous Lorentz group
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  48. A χ 2 -test to study the α 1 , α 2 , α 3 convergence for high-precision LEP data, having in mind the SUSY threshold
  49. A study of the low-mass part of the (Kππ) system in the reaction K − p→K − pπ + π − at 8.25 GeV/c
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  51. Once more on the role of the bound-state wave function in the leptonic decays of light hadrons
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  53. Non-regge and hyper-regge effects in pion-nucleon charge exchange scattering at high energies
  54. Direct reconstruction of the pp scattering matrix below 500 MeV, an attempt
  55. Alternative interaction between spinor and Yang-Mills fields
  56. The proton leading-particle spectrum at accelerator energies
  57. Multiple pion production associated with % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+- % feaafiart1ev1aaatuuDJXwAK1uy0Hwmaerbfv3ySLgzG0uy0Hgip5 % wzamXvP5wqonvsaeHbfv3ySLgzaeXafv3ySLgzGmvETj2BSbWexLMB % bXgBcf2CPn2qVrwzqf2zLnharCWqVvNCPvMCG4uz3bqehqvATv2CG4 % uz3bIuV1wyUbqeeuuDJXwAKbsr4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0x % bbL8F4rqqrFfpiZxe9LqFHe9Lqpepeea0xd9q8as0-LqLs-Jirpepe % ea0-as0Fb9pgea0lrP0xe9Fve9Fve9qapdbiGaaiGadiWacmaaceGa % aqaafaGbaaGcbaacfaGab83sayaaraWaaWbaaSqabeaacaWFWaaaaa % aa!4CBE! $$ \bar K^0 $$ in the 12.6 GeV/c K−p reaction0 in the 12.6 GeV/c K−p reactionМножественное рождение пионов, свяэанное с % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+- % feaafiart1ev1aaatuuDJXwAK1uy0Hwmaerbfv3ySLgzG0uy0Hgip5 % wzamXvP5wqonvsaeHbfv3ySLgzaeXafv3ySLgzGmvETj2BSbWexLMB % bXgBcf2CPn2qVrwzqf2zLnharCWqVvNCPvMCG4uz3bqehqvATv2CG4 % uz3bIuV1wyUbqeeuuDJXwAKbsr4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0x % bbL8F4rqqrFfpiZxe9LqFHe9Lqpepeea0xd9q8as0-LqLs-Jirpepe % ea0-as0Fb9pgea0lrP0xe9Fve9Fve9qapdbiGaaiGadiWacmaaceGa % aqaafaGbaaGcbaacfaGab83sayaaraWaaWbaaSqabeaacaWFWaaaaa % aa!4CBE! $$ \bar K^0 $$ в реакции K−p при 12.6 ГэВ/с0 в реакции K−p при 12.6 ГэВ/с
  58. Lifetime of the ∑ − -hyperon
  59. A new approach to conformal invariant field theories
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  83. An alternative way to the direct product of groups
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  86. Remarks on Poincaré generators, unitary transformations and helicity representations
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  93. Circular photon polarization detection by pair production
  94. On renormalization-invariant masses
  95. Field equations and action from centrally charged N =4 super yang-mills
  96. Feynman diagrams for unitary representations of SL 2, C
  97. SLAC measurements of the neutron spin-structure function
  98. Charge symmetry and neutral current in a unified model of weak and electromagnetic interactions
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  100. Electron form factors up to fourth order. - I
  101. On deusons or deuteronlike meson-meson bound states
  102. On the alternative interpretation of the aharonov-bohm effect
  103. Scalar densities and mesons
  104. The reaction $$\bar p$$ p → $$\bar p$$ pπ+π−π0 at 5.7 GeV/c and a pω0 ( $$\bar p$$ ω0) enhancement at 1.81 GeVРеакция $$\bar p$$ p → $$\bar p$$ pπ+π−π0 при 5.7 ГзВ/с и увеличение pω0 ( $$\bar p$$ ω0) при 1.81 ГзВ
  105. On supergroup transformations
  106. Semi-relativistic equation for quark-antiquark systems
  107. Continuum shell model calculations and the resonances below the GDR in 12 C
  108. Gross features of pionization and fragmentation
  109. $${\mathcal{N}}\overline {\mathcal{N}}$$ annihilation at rest in the statistical bootstrap modelannihilation at rest in the statistical bootstrap model $${\mathcal{N}}\overline {\mathcal{N}}$$ аннигиляция в покое в рамках статистической модели бутстрапааннигиляция в покое в рамках статистической модели бутстрапа
  110. Some remarks on charges and their conservation in a classical SU 2 yang-mills theory

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