Authors: L Canton G Cattapan G Pisent G H Rawitscher
Publish Date: 2008/01/18
Volume: 106, Issue: 1, Pages: 71-77
We use the singularvalue decomposition SVD method to obtain a separable approximation of a prescribed rankM to the reactance matrixK The main virtue of the method is that as measured by the Frobenius norm the approximation is the best possible We test this method for the tripletSD nucleonnucleon scattering state by calculating a rank4 approximation to theKmatrix for the Reid and Paris potentials We compare two applications of the method one in which theKmatrix is treated as a matrix defined on a momentum mesh and the other in whichK is treated as an integral operator We find that the Frobenius norm of the former is one order of magnitude smaller than the latter Further we find that the error in the onshell quantities such as the phase shifts and mixing parameters is decidedly smaller than the error obtained with a Weinbergstate expansion of corresponding rank