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Abbravation: Il Nuovo Cimento A (1965-1970)

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Società Italiana di Fisica

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A temporarily freeEmphasis Type="Italic"SU/Emph

Authors: R Rączka
Publish Date: 2008/01/22
Volume: 98, Issue: 3, Pages: 297-336
PDF Link


An analysis of experimental facts in low and highenergy hadron interactions and theoretical results in gauge field theory leads to the conclusion that theSU6 totally spontaneously broken temporary free gauge field model is a natural candidate for a description of strong hadron interactions The model is based on the observed massive vector mesons and fermions It is shown that the Higgs sector can be chosen in such a manner that—even after totalSU6 symmetry breaking—there survives a global symmetrySU2×U 1 s ×U 1 c ×U 1 b ×U 1 t which coincides with the observed isospin strangeness charm beauty and top symmetry The renormalization group analysis indicates that the model is temporarily free It is shown that all vector mesons reggeize and their parent and daughter Regge trajectories are calculated in the leadinglogarithm approximation It is shown also that all fundamental fermions which can be taken either in vector or adjoint representation also reggeize Due to temporary freedom the model possesses the scaling properties and enables a perturbative analysis of highenergy of processes Since the model is based on observed hadrons the analysis of exclusive processes is considerably facilitated It is shown in particular that the model predicts a new form of baryonbaryon and baryonantibaryon highenergy total crosssection it is noteworthy that the obtained cross sections are decreasing for moderately high energy and increasing for higher energies in a remarkable agreement with experimental data in the energy interval 10 GeVundersetraise03emhboxsmashscriptscriptstylethicksim sqrt s undersetraise03emhboxsmashscriptscriptstylethicksim 30 000 GeVАнализ экспериментальных данных по взаимодействиям адронов с низкими и высокими энергиями и теоретические редультаты в калибровочной теории поля приводят к выводу чтоSU6 спонтанно нарушенная модель временно свободного калибровочного поля представляет естественный кандидат для описания сильных взаимодействий адронов Эта модель основана на наблюдаемых массивных векторных мезонах и фермионах Показывается что сектор Хигтса может быть выбран таким образом что после полного нарушенияSU6 симметрии существует глобальная симметрияSU2×U 1 s ×U 1 c ×U 1 b ×U 1 t которая совпадает с наблюдаемой симметрией изоспина странности щарма красоты прелести и верха истины Анализ группы перенормировки показывает что предложенная модель временно свободная Вычисляются траектории Редже в старшем логарифмическом приближении Также показывается что все фундаментальные фермионы которые могут быть взяты либо в векторном либо в сопряженном представлении также реджеизованы Вследствие временной свободы предложенмая модель обладает свойствамиUnanalisi degli eventi sperimentali nelle interazioni degli adroni ad alta e bassa energia e dei risultati teorici nella teoria del campo di gauge porta alla conclusione che il modello del campo di gaugeSU6 totalmente spontaneamente infranto temporaneamente libero è un candidato naturale per una descrizione delle interazioni adroniche forti Il modello si basa sui mesoni vettoriali dotati di massa e fermioni osservati Si dimostra che il settore di Higgs può essere scelto in maniera tale che—anche dopo una totale rottura della simmetriaSU6—rimane una simmetria globaleSU2×U 1 s ×U 1 c ×U 1 b ×U 1 t che coincide con losservata simmetria di isospin stranezza charm beauty e top Lanalisi del gruppo di rinormalizzazione indica che il modello è temporaneamente libero Si dimostra che tutti i mesoni vettoriali reggeizzano e le loro traiettorie di Regge progenitrici e figlie si calcolano con lapprossimazione del logaritmo principale Si dimostra anche che tutti i fermioni fondamentali sia in rappresentazione vettoriale che aggiunta reggeizzano A causa della libertà temporanea il modello possiede le proprietà di scala e permette unanalisi perturbativa dei processi ad alta energia Poiché il modello si basa su adroni osservati lanalisi del processo esclusivo è notevolmente facilitata Si dimostra in particolare che il modello prevede una nuova forma di sezione durto totale ad alta energia barionebarione e barioneantibarione è degno di nota che le sezioni durto ottenute diminuiscono ad energie moderatamente alte e aumentano ad energie maggiori in notevole accordo con i dati sperimentali nellintervallo di energia Gevundersetraise03emhboxsmashscriptscriptstylethicksim sqrt s undersetraise03emhboxsmashscriptscriptstylethicksim 30 000 GeV



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Other Papers In This Journal:

  1. Second-order phase transitions in three dimensions
  2. Projector in constrained quantum dynamics
  3. Pion inclusive distribution at cosmic-ray energies and comparison with ISR data
  4. Analysis of the reaction π + p → ρ 0 Δ ++ at 11.7 GeV/c incident momentum
  5. Primakoff effect and π 0 lifetime
  6. Computation of forward pp dispersion relations
  7. A new approach to heavy-ion fusion
  8. A measurement of the magnetic moment of the Σ + -hyperon
  9. Elastic and inelastic scattering of 0.8 GeV polarized protons from 18 O
  10. Surface waves in pion-proton elastic scattering
  11. A study of two-pion exchange contributions to quasi-elastic scattering at high energies
  12. Discrimination between the standard theory of electroweak interactions and its extensions
  13. Coloured supersymmetry
  14. Three generations and a large top-quark mass
  15. Doppler shift attenuation measurements on 57 Fe and 57 Co
  16. Charge radii of nucleons
  17. Regge poles with kinematic cuts in pion photoproduction
  18. Existence of solutions of partial-wave dispersion relations and singular N/D equations
  19. SU 9 «composite» symmetry and weak interactions
  20. Small-angle scattering and absorption of 3.0 GeV/c antiprotons in nuclear emulsion
  21. The spectrum of b $$\bar c$$ , t $$\bar c$$ and t $$\bar b$$ ; bound states in the two-step potential model
  22. The sequential light-particle emission in peripheral heavy-ion collisions. A theoretical approach
  23. Energy gain of spherical shell targets ablatively imploded by thermal radiation
  24. Finite-energy sum rules on hyperbolas. — II
  25. K X-ray spectrum of Na excited by photons
  26. Singular-value decomposition of the nucleon-nucleon reactance matrix
  27. Inelastic π - 3 He interaction at 180 MeV 3 He interaction at 180 MeV
  28. Mechanism of particle production in nucleon-nucleon interactions at very high energies
  29. 852 keV first-forbidden beta transition in 115 Cd g
  30. Natural orbital calculations of nucleon momentum distributions
  31. A redefinition of quantum-mechanical exchange and Coulomb integrals by a reinterpretation of atomic and molecular orbitals as Taylor expansions of a potential and a similar treatment of the electromagnetic field.
  32. Two-variable crossing-symmetric expansion of the ππ scattering amplitude and low-energy parameter sum rules
  33. Reduction of complex electromagnetic fields to the irreducible representations of the inhomogeneous Lorentz group
  34. Investigation of the 149 Sm (n, α) 146 Nd reaction induced by fast neutrons
  35. Conformal covariance of Dirac-Maxwell and ’t Hooft-Polyakov monopole theories
  36. The $$\bar K$$ N system near thresholdsystem near thresholdСистема $$\bar K$$ N вблиэи порогавблиэи порога
  37. Changes in the Annihilation’s delay time distribution of stopped antiprotons in helium gas, due to contaminants.—I
  38. An enlarged superfluid model of atomic nucleus
  39. The pion decay constant as a scale for hadron dynamics
  40. Absorption corrections for the double peripheral model
  41. The 12 C+ 12 C→α+ 20 Ne reaction mechanism and angular-momentum effects
  42. Multiple-quark-scattering analysis of hadron charge-exchange scattering
  43. Polarization of $$\Sigma ^ + and \bar \Sigma ^ - $$ hyperons produced in high-energy proton-nucleus collisionshyperons produced in high-energy proton-nucleus collisions
  44. Heavy-ion reactions with nucleon transfer
  45. Vertex functions and form factors for conformal spin-1/2 systems
  46. Baryon properties in chiral models
  47. Nuclear models and the hypernuclear interaction
  48. A χ 2 -test to study the α 1 , α 2 , α 3 convergence for high-precision LEP data, having in mind the SUSY threshold
  49. A study of the low-mass part of the (Kππ) system in the reaction K − p→K − pπ + π − at 8.25 GeV/c
  50. A homological approach to parametric Feynman integrals
  51. Once more on the role of the bound-state wave function in the leptonic decays of light hadrons
  52. Dynamical fission and transitional mechanisms in medium-mass heavy-ion reactions
  53. Non-regge and hyper-regge effects in pion-nucleon charge exchange scattering at high energies
  54. Direct reconstruction of the pp scattering matrix below 500 MeV, an attempt
  55. Alternative interaction between spinor and Yang-Mills fields
  56. The proton leading-particle spectrum at accelerator energies
  57. Multiple pion production associated with % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+- % feaafiart1ev1aaatuuDJXwAK1uy0Hwmaerbfv3ySLgzG0uy0Hgip5 % wzamXvP5wqonvsaeHbfv3ySLgzaeXafv3ySLgzGmvETj2BSbWexLMB % bXgBcf2CPn2qVrwzqf2zLnharCWqVvNCPvMCG4uz3bqehqvATv2CG4 % uz3bIuV1wyUbqeeuuDJXwAKbsr4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0x % bbL8F4rqqrFfpiZxe9LqFHe9Lqpepeea0xd9q8as0-LqLs-Jirpepe % ea0-as0Fb9pgea0lrP0xe9Fve9Fve9qapdbiGaaiGadiWacmaaceGa % aqaafaGbaaGcbaacfaGab83sayaaraWaaWbaaSqabeaacaWFWaaaaa % aa!4CBE! $$ \bar K^0 $$ in the 12.6 GeV/c K−p reaction0 in the 12.6 GeV/c K−p reactionМножественное рождение пионов, свяэанное с % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+- % feaafiart1ev1aaatuuDJXwAK1uy0Hwmaerbfv3ySLgzG0uy0Hgip5 % wzamXvP5wqonvsaeHbfv3ySLgzaeXafv3ySLgzGmvETj2BSbWexLMB % bXgBcf2CPn2qVrwzqf2zLnharCWqVvNCPvMCG4uz3bqehqvATv2CG4 % uz3bIuV1wyUbqeeuuDJXwAKbsr4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0x % bbL8F4rqqrFfpiZxe9LqFHe9Lqpepeea0xd9q8as0-LqLs-Jirpepe % ea0-as0Fb9pgea0lrP0xe9Fve9Fve9qapdbiGaaiGadiWacmaaceGa % aqaafaGbaaGcbaacfaGab83sayaaraWaaWbaaSqabeaacaWFWaaaaa % aa!4CBE! $$ \bar K^0 $$ в реакции K−p при 12.6 ГэВ/с0 в реакции K−p при 12.6 ГэВ/с
  58. Lifetime of the ∑ − -hyperon
  59. A new approach to conformal invariant field theories
  60. Effective trajectories in the presence of Regge cuts
  61. π—-p interactions at 650 MeV
  62. Composite gauge fields from nonlinear realizations
  63. Approximate saturation of the algebra of axial currents
  64. A general treatment of current algebra
  65. Piecewise analyticity of S -matrix elements and nonlocal interactions
  66. The deck model for nucleon diffraction dissociation at very high energies
  67. Deformation and interaction energies in statistical multifragmentation
  68. Strings and fields
  69. Bound states of the two-dimensional O N model at finite temperatures
  70. Charm and beauty hadroproduction models: QGSM vs. lund
  71. On the pionic production of the eta meson
  72. Off-energy-shell phase shifts in potential scattering
  73. A boundary-condition model for the P 33 pion-nucleon state
  74. O 4 invariance of a Bethe-Salpeter equation
  75. Tests for general models of deep inelastic lepton scattering
  76. Dual model with second-sheet resonances for pion-nucleon scattering
  77. Evidences for associated heat generation and nuclear products release in palladium heavy-water electrolysis
  78. Nonstatistical structures in 12 C( 14 N, 4 He) 22 Na reaction
  79. On some properties of the multi-particle amplitude expressed as a function of group-theoretical variables
  80. Fully-symmetric dual models and Lorentz invariance
  81. Inclusive and exclusive cross-sections in K − p interactions at 14.3 GeV/c
  82. Parafermion representations of the lie-algebra chain O 7 ⊃ G 2 ⊃ SU 3
  83. An alternative way to the direct product of groups
  84. Direct-channel fermion Regge poles
  85. A gravitational Lagrangian and some identities in the Newman-Penrose formalism
  86. Remarks on Poincaré generators, unitary transformations and helicity representations
  87. Fundamental coupling for weak interactions and masses
  88. Analogue-to-antianalogue M 1 transitions in odd Cu isotopes
  89. Distribution of transverse and longitudinal momentum in π−p interactions at 7.0 GeV/c
  90. Structure equations for a monopole model with a coleman-weinberg potential
  91. Surface description of QCD with fermionic quark boundaries
  92. Light-fragment production in p-nucleus interactions at 600 MeV. Astrophysical application
  93. Circular photon polarization detection by pair production
  94. On renormalization-invariant masses
  95. Field equations and action from centrally charged N =4 super yang-mills
  96. Feynman diagrams for unitary representations of SL 2, C
  97. SLAC measurements of the neutron spin-structure function
  98. Charge symmetry and neutral current in a unified model of weak and electromagnetic interactions
  99. Inclusive and semi-inclusive two-pion correlations in pp collisions at 69 GeV/c
  100. Electron form factors up to fourth order. - I
  101. On deusons or deuteronlike meson-meson bound states
  102. On the alternative interpretation of the aharonov-bohm effect
  103. Scalar densities and mesons
  104. The reaction $$\bar p$$ p → $$\bar p$$ pπ+π−π0 at 5.7 GeV/c and a pω0 ( $$\bar p$$ ω0) enhancement at 1.81 GeVРеакция $$\bar p$$ p → $$\bar p$$ pπ+π−π0 при 5.7 ГзВ/с и увеличение pω0 ( $$\bar p$$ ω0) при 1.81 ГзВ
  105. On supergroup transformations
  106. Semi-relativistic equation for quark-antiquark systems
  107. Continuum shell model calculations and the resonances below the GDR in 12 C
  108. Gross features of pionization and fragmentation
  109. $${\mathcal{N}}\overline {\mathcal{N}}$$ annihilation at rest in the statistical bootstrap modelannihilation at rest in the statistical bootstrap model $${\mathcal{N}}\overline {\mathcal{N}}$$ аннигиляция в покое в рамках статистической модели бутстрапааннигиляция в покое в рамках статистической модели бутстрапа
  110. Some remarks on charges and their conservation in a classical SU 2 yang-mills theory

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