Authors: Ahmet Alacacioglu Eda Ulger Umut Varol Tugba Yavuzsen Murat Akyol Yasar Yildiz Ibrahim Yildiz Vedat Bayoglu Ahmet Dirican Lutfiye Demir Tarik Salman Yuksel Kucukzeybek Inci Alacacioglu Huseyin Can Mustafa Oktay Tarhan
Publish Date: 2014/06/10
Volume: 31, Issue: 7, Pages: 43-
We aimed to investigate anxiety depression and sexual satisfaction levels of testicular cancer survivors TCSs and compare the scores with healthy men’s The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale HADS GolombokRust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction GRISS and European Organization for Research on Treatment of Cancer Questionnaires Quality of LifeC30 were used Fortyone TCSs and thirtyeight healthy men were participated in this study The total HADs scores of TCSs 1221 ± 819 were less than the healthy group 1444 ± 653 p 005 The high depression scores rate was 292 and 552 and high anxiety scores rate was 244 and 289 for TCSs and healthy group respectively When we evaluated GRISS subscores and anxiety levels we found significantly increase only in avoidance subscores in the TCSs p = 004 When we evaluated GRISS subscores and depression levels GRISS subscores of the TCSs who had high depression scores were also high However statistical significance was found in satisfaction p = 0009 touch p = 004 avoidance p = 001 and erectile dysfunction p = 004 subscores in the TCSs In the TCSs whose anxiety scores were high emotional functioning p = 0009 and global QoL p = 001 subscores of GRISS was found significantly low In the TCSs whose depression scores were high physical p = 001 cognitive p = 004 emotional p = 003 social functioning p = 002 and global QoL p 0001 subscores of GRISS were found significantly low Anxiety depression and sexual satisfaction levels of TCSs were found to be similar with the control population