Authors: Giglioli G
Publish Date: 1954/11/01
Volume: 48, Issue: 6, Pages: 506-521
G Giglioli Residual effect of DDT in a controlled area of British Guiana tested by the continued release of Anopheles darlingi and Aedes Aegypti A practical technique for the standardized evaluation of overall residual efficiency under field conditions Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Volume 48 Issue 6 November 1954 Pages 506–521 https//doiorg/101016/0035920354900875In a small isolated village formerly a favourite haunt of A darlingi subject to hyperendemic malaria and sprayed on six occasions between February 1945 and February 1949 all DDT operations were suspended after the latter date and large numbers of laboratorybred A darlingi and Ae aegypti were released systematically between August 1949 and July 1952In the aggregate 53584 pupae and 186735 larvae were brought to the locality but neither adults not larvae were ever collected from the houses or the highly suitable ground waters and rainwater collections of the area during careful observations extending over 42 months from the last application of DDTOn the basis of these results a “release technique” is described for the standardized measurement of the status of overall residual effect under field conditions and in any type of tropical environment suitable for the multiplication of Ae aegyptiSuch a method should validly contribute to the rationalization of the technique and economics of largescale malaria control projects