Journal Title
Title of Journal: Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg
Abbravation: Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Authors: GodfreyFaussett Peter Stoker Neil G
Publish Date: 1992/09/01
Volume: 86, Issue: 5, Pages: 472-475
Peter GodfreyFaussett Neil G Stoker 3 Genetic ‘fingerprinting’ for clues to the pathogenesis of tuberculosis Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Volume 86 Issue 5 SeptemberOctober 1992 Pages 472–475 https//doiorg/101016/003592039290072KThe recent discovery of a repetitive element within the DNA of Mycobacterium tuberculosis which is present in variable numbers at different locations in separate strains of the organism has led to the development of genetic ‘fingerprinting’ to distinguish between different isolates Clusters of cases of tuberculosis have been identified in Europe and the USA in which the organisms cultured had identical ‘fingerprints’ confirming that transmission was occurring Unrelated isolates generally have distinct ‘fingerprints’ In Africa where transmission is more common than in Europe there is less heterogeneity between isolates We have typed 117 isolates of M tuberculosis collected from continuing studies in Malawi and Kenya Paired isolates from an individual patient produced matching ‘fingerprints’ in 22 of 25 cases There were 18 isolates which had an identical matched pair from a separate patient we have not yet found any epidemiological link between these patients These data show that there is sufficient heterogeneity amongst African isolates of M tuberculosis to make studies of transmission feasible and to address questions of pathogenesis and epidemiology
citation title=Polymorphic repetitive DNA sequences in Mycobacterium tuberculosis detected with a gene probe from a Mycobacterium fortuitum plasmid Journal of General Microbiology citation year=1989 citation volume=135 citation pages=23472355
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