Authors: Williams M C Woodall J P Corbet Philip S Gillett J D
Publish Date: 1965/05/01
Volume: 59, Issue: 3, Pages: 300-306
M C Williams J P Woodall Philip S Corbet J D Gillett Onyongnyong fever An epidemic virus disease in East Africa VIII Virus isolations from anopheles mosquitoes Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Volume 59 Issue 3 May 1965 Pages 300–306 https//doiorg/101016/003592036590012XTests indicated that 39 of 144 pools containing 5784 Anopheles funestus and 15 of 206 pools of 6933 A gambiae contained onyongnyong ONN virus No isolation was made from 60 pools containing 1837 culicine mosquitoes of at least 15 species or from 13 pools of more than 1561 bedbugsInfected A funestus and A gambiae caught in the field maintained ONN virus for at least 20 and 13 days respectively but limited transmission trials with monkeys and infant mice through these mosquitoes were unsuccessful Transmission was however obtained with laboratoryinfected mosquitoes of both species