Authors: Malomo IM McFarlane H Idowu JA
Publish Date: 1970/01/01
Volume: 64, Issue: 3, Pages: 427-430
IM Malomo H McFarlane JA Idowu Serum immunoglobulins in pulmonary tuberculosis in Ibadan Nigeria Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Volume 64 Issue 3 1970 Pages 427–430 https//doiorg/101016/003592037090180XCompared with their healthy counterparts Nigerian patients suffering from active pulmonary tuberculosis are found to show considerable increase in their serum IgG IgA and IgM concentrations the increase in the IgA being the most striking This increase in the three immunoglobulins may be attributed to the multiplicity of antigens in the tubercle bacillus The predominant increase in the IgA could be due to increased productions in the IgA synthesising cells in the lung in response to the tubercle bacillus