Authors: Thong YH Ferrante Antonio RowanKelly Brenton OKeefe Denise E
Publish Date: 1979/01/01
Volume: 73, Issue: 4, Pages: 388-390
YH Thong Antonio Ferrante Brenton RowanKelly Denise E OKeefe Effect of mefloquine on the immune response in mice Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Volume 73 Issue 4 1979 Pages 388–390 https//doiorg/101016/0035920379901603The effect of mefloquine a new antimalarial compound on the immune response in mice was studied in vitro and in vivo Slight inhibition of mitogeninduced lymphocyte proliferative responses was observed at a concentration of 1 μg/ml and marked cytotoxicity at 4 μ/ml In contrast a higher proportion of human lymphocytes remained viable at the same concentration of mefloquine Antibody responses to sheep erythrocytes were impaired in mice receiving a total dose of 60 mg/kg At this dosage schedule delayedtype hypersensitivity responses to the same antigen were not affected