Authors: Cook GC Corachan M
Publish Date: 1982/01/01
Volume: 76, Issue: 6, Pages: 721-727
Hepatic function including plasma bromsulphthalein BSP clearance was studied in 20 Papua New Guineans with leprosy 11 lepromatous LL 6 had erythema nodosum leprosum ENL group A and 9 tuberculoid or borderline BT or BB group B 12 controls group C were also studied Four of five with abnormal BSP results had significant complicating or additional factors hepatic amyloidosis pustular ENL hepatocellular carcinoma and a pyogenic abscess compared with two of 15 with normal results tuberculous osteitis and pyogenic osteomyelitis In nine five from group A and four from group B needle liver biopsy histology was assessed foci of vacuolated phagocytes and histiocytes and tuberculoid granulomata were the most frequent lesions none had cirrhosisLeprosy is not associated with impaired hepatocellular function unless a severe complication or coincident disease is concurrently present In this limited study therapeutic agents were not associated with abnormal liver structure or function When liver function is abnormal in leprosy another cause eg secondary amyloidosis sepsis or malignancy should be searched for