Authors: Sanjeev Sharma Balwinder Singh Gita Rani A A Zaidi Vipin K Hallan Avinash Kaur Nagpal G S Virk
Publish Date: 2007/10/17
Volume: 92, Issue: 1, Pages: 85-92
Indian citrus ringspot virus ICRSV is known to cause serious disease problem in Kinnow Citrus nobilis Lour × C deliciosa Tenora plants This work reports the elimination of ICRSV by using thermotherapy coupled with shoot tip grafting in vitro Nodal segments from infected mother plants indexed by indirect ELISA and RTPCR were treated both in water bath and moist hot air at different temperatures viz 40 45 and 50°C for 30 60 and 120 min and cultured on MS medium containing 2iP 1 mg/l and malt extract 800 mg/l Shoot tips were excised from the nodal sprouts and grafted on to rough lemon C jambhiri rootstock under aseptic conditions Water bath treatment was found to be more effective as compared to moist hot air treatment as maximum number of ICRSV free plants 3684 were obtained by grafting the tips 07 mm taken from the nodal segments treated at 50°C in water bath for 2 h In an alternate treatment regime 1yearold infected plants were kept at various temperatures viz36 38 and 40°C in a thermotherapy chamber Maximum of 60 ICRSV free plants were obtained by grafting the tips 07 mm from the plants placed at 40°C followed by the plants placed at 38°C 5909 and the least was observed in case of the plants placed at 36°C 4074 Only those plants/plantlets were considered virus free which showed negative reaction both in Indirect ELISA and RTPCRThe authors are thankful to the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research CSIR New Delhi India for providing the financial assistance Thanks are due to Dr PS Ahuja Director IHBT Palampur for providing necessary facilities Thanks are also due to Dr SK Thind and Dr JN Sharma Former Director of Regional Fruit Research Station RFRS Abohar and Dr Gurkanwal Singh Nodal Officer Punjab Horticulture Department for their helpful suggestions