Authors: Yaroslav I Korpan Olexandr O Soldatkin Olga F Sosovska Halyna M Klepach Elisabeth Csöregi Francis Vocanson Nicole JaffrezicRenault Mykhailo V Gonchar
Publish Date: 2010/03/21
Volume: 170, Issue: 3-4, Pages: 337-344
Novel formaldehydesensitive conductometric biosensors have been developed that are based on commercial bacterial formaldehyde dehydrogenase FDH from Pseudomonas putida and recombinant formaldehyde dehydrogenase rFDH from the yeast Hansenula polymorpha as the biorecognition elements The biorecognition membranes have monolayer architecture and consist of enzyme crosslinked with albumin and of the cofactors NAD for FDHbased sensor or NAD and glutathione for rFDHbased sensor This architecture of the biosensor allows the determination of formaldehyde without adding NAD and glutathione to the analyzed sample at every analysis and conducting measurements on the same transducer without cofactors regeneration since the biomembrane contains it at high concentration 100 mM for NAD and 20 mM for glutathione The response is linear in the range from 10 to 200 mM of formaldehyde concentration depending on the enzyme used The dependence of the biosensor output signals on pH and buffer concentration as well as operational/storage stability and selectivity/specificity of the developed conductometric biosensors have been investigated The relative standard deviation of the intrasensor response did not exceed 4 and 10 for rFDH and FDHbased sensors respectively The relative standard deviation of the intersensor response constituted 20 for both dehydrogenases used The biosensors have been validated for formaldehyde detection in some real samples of pharmaceutical Formidron disinfectant Descoton forte and an industrial product Formalin A good correlation does exist between the concentration values measured by the conductometric biosensor developed in this work an enzymatic method amperometric biosensors developed earlier and standard analytical methods of formaldehyde determinationThe authors of the article are sincerely grateful for the financial support to INTAS Grant 03516278 NATO Grant LSTNUKRCLG 980621 and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine agreements 6 and 16 The authors would like to express special thanks to Dr Galina Gayda Institute of Cell Biology NAS of Ukraine Lviv Ukraine for the isolation and purification of recombinant glutathionedependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase