Authors: Jeyran Akhoundzadeh Marta Costas Isela Lavilla Mahmoud Chamsaz Carlos Bendicho
Publish Date: 2013/06/19
Volume: 180, Issue: 11-12, Pages: 1029-1036
We report on a green method for the determination of low levels of chemical oxygen demand It is based on the combination of a UVinduced oxidation with hydrogen peroxide b headspace singledrop microextraction with indrop precipitation and c microturbidimetry The generation of CO2 after photolytic oxidation followed by its sequestration onto a microdrop of barium hydroxide gives rise to a precipitate of barium carbonate which is quantified by turbidimetry UVlight induced oxidation was studied in the absence and presence of H2O2 ultrasound and ferrous ion Determinations of chemical oxygen demand were performed using potassium hydrogen phthalate as a model compound The optimized method gives a calibration curve that is linear between 34 and 20 mg L−1 oxygen The detection limit was 12 mg L−1 of oxygen and the repeatability as relative standard deviation was around 5 The method was successfully applied to the determination of chemical oxygen demand in different natural waters and a synthetic wastewaterWe report on a green method for the determination of low levels of chemical oxygen demand It is based on the combination of UVinduced oxidation with hydrogen peroxide headspace singledrop microextraction with indrop precipitation and microturbidimetryFinancial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Project CTQ200906956/BQU the Xunta de Galicia project 10PXIB 314030 PR and the Vigo University Contract for Reference Research Groups 09VIA08 is gratefully acknowledged