Authors: Sumie Omori Yukita Sato Shiho Hirakawa Takashi Isobe Masayoshi Yukawa Koichi Murata
Publish Date: 2008/06/27
Volume: 103, Issue: 4, Pages: 953-957
We analyzed extra chromosomal genomes of avian blood protozoa Leucocytozoon caulleryi One of the genomes the mitochondrial genome was completely sequenced resulting 5959 bp in length This genome contained the identical gene organization and contents to that of other avian blood protozoa previously analyzed three functional genes for cytochrome c oxidase subunit I III and cytochrome b with following sets of discontinuous and scrambled 15 ribosomal subunit RNA genes In addition the mitochondrial genome was estimated to have the tandem repeated structure as well as previously found in avian Plasmodium species Furthermore we found partial gene sequences of apicoplast DNA another extra chromosomal genome from L caulleryi These sequences were estimated as partial caseinolytic protease C and elongation factor Tu A genes This report is the first description of two extra chromosomal genomes of L caulleryiThe authors are very grateful for Motohashi A for her technical assistances This study was partially supported by the Academic Frontier Project “Surveillance and control for zoonoses” and “HighTech Research Center” Project for Private Universities matching funds subsidy from Ministry of Education Culture Sports Science and Technology of Japan Global Environment Research Fund of the Ministry of the Environment of Japan F062 Nihon University Research Grants and a GrantinAid for JSPS Fellows No 203886 from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science