Authors: Virmantas Stunžėnas Romualda Petkevičiūtė Gražina Stanevičiūtė Rasa Binkienė
Publish Date: 2014/09/05
Volume: 113, Issue: 10, Pages: 3881-3883
Ribosomal DNA sequences of Rhipidocotyle sp adults from Esox lucius were shown to be identical to sequences of larval Rhipidocotyle fennica occurring in Anodonta anatina in Lake Vilkokšnis Lithuania Morphological features and host specificity of this adult worm correspond with that determinate in the first description of R fennica in Finland These data give the first evidence that a viable population of R fennica exists in east central Europe Bucephalus polymorphus which was reported in unionids in all previous publications is probably R fennica