Authors: Ricardo Castro Maria João Santos
Publish Date: 2013/08/03
Volume: 112, Issue: 10, Pages: 3579-3586
Parasites are affected by the environment where their hosts live having a specific distribution among their hosts and occupying a welldefined microhabitat The present work aims to describe the metazoan ectoparasite fauna of Scomber scombrus namely its distribution at the macro and microhabitat levels For that fish from two different Portuguese regions Matosinhos n = 40 and Figueira da Foz n = 39 were examined for macroectoparasites S scombrus of Matosinhos presented four different parasite species whilst fish from Figueira da Foz presented five species All parasites belonged to Monogenea Copepoda or Isopoda The main differences between infection levels of fish from the two localities were found in Grubea cochlear higher infection levels in Matosinhos and Caligus pelamydis where the highest values were found in Figueira da Foz Regarding the microhabitat of the reported ectoparasites it could be seen that every species has a very specific distribution within the host G cochlear and Kuhnia scombri have a preference for the inner medial areas of gills Kuhnia sprostonae for the pseudobranchs and C pelamydis for the internal wall of opercula The numerical and functional responses to interspecific competition were absent These results support the idea that the parasite driving forces of community structure are the reinforcement of reproductive barriers and the enhancement of chances to mate