Authors: Michele Lunetta A R Damanti G Fabbri M Lombardo M Di Mauro L Mughini
Publish Date: 2014/04/04
Volume: 17, Issue: 4, Pages: 241-245
Aim of this study was to investigate a if through Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI it was possible to reveal cerebral alterations in patients with insulindependent diabetes mellitus IDDM b if there was any correlation with hypoglycemic episodes glycometabolic control microvascular alterations and diabetic peripheral neuropathy For this purpose ten IDDM patients under treatment with human insulin aged 19–30 yr with the disease the duration being from 1 to 19 yr were investigated by MRI using a Philips Gyroscan Spin Echo sequences were used with images in T1 T2 in sagittal and axial planes To measure the ventricular dilatation the cerebroventricular index CVI was evaluated The MRI has put in evidence in 7/10 patients a dilatation in the lateral ventricles and subarachnoidal spaces of the cerebral vault and the cerebellum clearly due to cerebral atrophy The CVI mean values 3478±292 were statistically p0001 higher in diabetic patients respect to control subjects CVI mean values 275±158 These alterations did not present clear correlations with the degree of glycometabolic control duration of disease number of symptomatic hypoglycemic episodes and threshold for hypoglycemic symptoms retinal microvascular alterations microalbuminuria diabetic peripheral neuropathy The clinical or functional relevance of CVI changes and the exact pathogenic mechanism remains to be clarified