Authors: M Yamaguchi K Kobayashi A Miyake
Publish Date: 2014/04/04
Volume: 19, Issue: 9, Pages: 598-602
We investigated whether transforming growth factorα TGFα regulates mouse placental lactogenII mPLII secretion by cells from day 12 of pregnancy TGFα significantly inhibited mPLII secretion by the third and fourth day of culture and then stimulated mPLII secretion from the sixth day The inhibitory and stimulatory effects of TGFα on mPLII secretion were dosedependent and the lowest concentration of TGFαwhich caused significant inhibition or stimulation of mPLII secretion was 10 ng/ml When TGFα treatment of placental cells was begun on the fifth day of the culture significant stimulation of mPLII secretion was observed 3 days later TGF=α inhibited steadystate levels of mPLII mRNA on the third day of culture but stimulated steadystate levels of mPLII mRNA on the seventh day of culture These results suggest that TGFα biphasically regulates mPLII secretion through regulation of mPLII gene expression after midpregnancy