Authors: K Kuramachi
Publish Date: 2005/05/01
Volume: 264, Issue: 2, Pages: 295-301
Bioaccumulation by microalga in the ocean was simulated in nutritive seawater containing known amounts of trace metals and the concentration factors for Fe Zn and Cd were measured by PIXE Trace transition metals in nearshore seawater were removed by Chelex100 Then a culture solution was prepared by adding known amounts of trace metals and nutritive salts to the purified seawater Marine microalgae Nannochloropsis sp and Phaeodactylum sp were purely cultured in the culture solution An interested metal ion was added to the culture solution 00150 mg/l Alga in 10 ml of the culture solution was collected on a polycarbonate filter pore size 10 microm by suction filtration and subjected to 29 MeV proton bombardment Na Mg Al Si P S Cl K Ca Cr Mn Fe Zn and Cd were simultaneously determined PIXE multielement analysis was possible using less than 1 mg of analytical sample The quantity of the metal in the alga was increased in proportion to the concentration in the culture solution The concentration factors for Zn Fe and Cd were measured eg 10200plusmn300 ml/g to Zn for Phaeodactylum The trend of the affinity for the trace metals in the case of Nannochloropsis was Fe3+gtZn2+gtPb2+gtCd2+