Authors: Jennifer L Steeb Donald G Graczyk Yifen Tsai Carol J Mertz Ashleigh Kimberlin David B Chamberlain
Publish Date: 2016/01/27
Volume: 309, Issue: 3, Pages: 999-1019
Agedating of 137Cs ceramic sources is shown to be a viable technology for nuclear forensics investigations The 137Cs agedating method in general however could be substantially improved by using radiometric rather than ICPMS measurement of the 137Cs isotope and by refining the Cs/Ba separation process With these improvements uncertainty in the age of a 60yearold source decreases from 135 to 068 yArgonne National Laboratory’s work was funded by the US Department of Homeland Security The submitted manuscript includes information created by UChicago Argonne LLC operator of Argonne National Laboratory “Argonne” Argonne a US Department of Energy Office of Science laboratory is operated under Contract No DEAC0206CH11357 The US Government retains for itself and others acting on its behalf a paidup nonexclusive irrevocable worldwide license in said article to reproduce prepare derivative works distribute copies to the public and display publicly by or on behalf of the Government