Authors: Henrieta Dulaiova Kenneth W W Sims Matthew A Charette Julie Prytulak Jerzy S Blusztajn
Publish Date: 2012/08/30
Volume: 296, Issue: 1, Pages: 279-283
We developed a new method for the determination of 227Ac in geological samples The method uses extraction chromatographic techniques and alphaspectrometry and is applicable for a range of natural matrices Here we report on the procedure and results of the analysis of water fresh and seawater and rock samples Water samples were acidified and rock samples underwent total dissolution via acid leaching A DGA NNN′N′tetranoctyldiglycolamide extraction chromatographic column was used for the separation of actinium The actinium fraction was prepared for alpha spectrometric measurement via cerium fluoride microprecipitation Recoveries of actinium in water samples were 80 ± 8 number of analyses n = 14 and in rock samples 70 ± 12 n = 30 The minimum detectable activities MDA were 0017–05 Bq kg−1 for both matrices Rock sample 227Ac activities ranged from 017 to 83 Bq kg−1 and water sample activities ranged from below MDA values to 14 Bq kg−1of 227Ac From the analysis of several standard rock and water samples with the method we found very good agreement between our results and certified valuesWe would like to acknowledge Phil Horwitz and William Burnett for their advice on the extraction chromatographic techniques Ken Sims’ lab at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution performed the rock dissolution procedures and Ken Buesseler WHOI provided the counting equipment for the alphaspec analysis Jan Scholten from the IAEA provided the actinium standard and spiked seawater samples