Authors: Yuichi Hatsukawa Kazuyuki Hashimoto Kazuaki Tsukada Tetsuya Sato Masato Asai Atsushi Toyoshima Yasuki Nagai Toru Tanimori Shinya Sonoda Shigeto Kabuki Hideo Saji Hiroyuki Kimura
Publish Date: 2014/09/06
Volume: 303, Issue: 2, Pages: 1283-1285
With the development of the Compton camera which can realize high position resolution technetium isotopes emitting high energy gammarays are required In this study Technetium95m which emits some gamma rays with higher than 200 keV was produced by the 95Mopn95mTc reaction Image of gammarays from 95mTc was taken by a Compton gammaray camera