Authors: Alireza KhoramiMoghadam Amir Reza Jalilian Kamal Yavari Bahram Bolouri Ali BahramiSamani Mohammad GhannadiMaragheh
Publish Date: 2012/02/04
Volume: 292, Issue: 3, Pages: 1065-1073
Antiangiogenic monoclonal antibodies in combination with therapeutic radionuclides are potential targeted therapy agents in cancer In this study bevacizumab was successively labeled with 166HoHoCl3 after conjugation with DOTANHSester with a radiochemical purity of higher than 95 RTLC The conjugates were purified by molecular filtration the average number of DOTA conjugated per mAb was calculated and total concentration was determined by spectrophotometric method and the average chelate to antibody ratio c/a for the conjugate used in this study was 581 and protein integrity experiments SDSPAGE The biodistribution studies in wildtype rats demonstrate a similar pattern to the other radiolabeled antivascular endothelial growth factor A VEGFA immunoconjugates 166HoDOTAbevacizumab is a potential compound for therapy/imaging of VEGFA expression in oncology