Authors: J M SorianoRodríguez V E BadilloAlmaraz C Alliot F MonroyGuzmán P Vitorge
Publish Date: 2011/03/09
Volume: 288, Issue: 3, Pages: 645-652
The sorption of PdII on hydroxyapatite Ca10PO46OH2 has been studied at 25 °C as a function of pH in 001 M NaClO4 and 001 and 0025 M CaClO42 aqueous background electrolytes and PdII concentration 93 to 47 μM trying to minimize some types of reactions such as solid dissolution of and metal precipitation The radiotracer palladium 109Pd obtained by neutron irradiation has been used to calculate the palladium’s distribution coefficients K d between aqueous and solid phase A mathematical treatment of results has been made by ionexchange theory in order to interpret palladium sorption onto treated solid For this we take into account the existence of active sites at the hydroxyapatite surface and the aqueous solution chemistry of palladium as well as the effect of phosphate anions from solid dissolution The results can be explained as evidence of sorption of the species PdOH+ and of a mixed hydroxo complex of Pd2+ like XCaO−–PdOH+·nH2O fixed onto ≡Ca–OH surface sites of the hydroxyapatiteThe authors acknowledge to W NavaSolares M AlbaEscobar and M HernandezPaz from the reactor team at ININ for their assistance during the radionuclide production J M SorianoRodríguez appreciates the scholarship No 190859 by CONACYT Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología Mexico