Authors: Gülşah Kalaycı Murat Belivermiş Önder Kılıç Sayhan Topcuoğlu Yavuz Çotuk
Publish Date: 2012/06/19
Volume: 295, Issue: 1, Pages: 239-244
This study was carried out to better understand the biokinetics of radiocesium in clams living in sediment The accumulation and depuration kinetics of 134Cs were investigated in the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum under controlled laboratory conditions The concentration factor was found to be 30 for 134Cs in the whole body however the concentration factor in the soft part of the clams 12 was significantly higher than those in the whole body and shell 080 The depuration kinetics of the radionuclide were described by a twocomponent exponential model for the whole body The biological halflives in the fast and slow components were found to be 063 and 221 days respectively The depuration kinetics for 134Cs in the soft parts were described by a singlecomponent exponential model with a resultant the biological halflife of 180 days